#Geogebra classic 6 tutorial software
GeoGebra is a free software program that lets kids create mathematical constructions - and models where they can drag objects and adjust parameters - to explore algebra and geometry simultaneously (along with other math fields). The downloaded programs have built-in help icons that take users right to the appropriate help section of the website when needed. Each applet also has a number of built-in functions that provide hints and prompts to allow students to "play around" and see how things connect with one another. Failure to do this could lead to some frustration for both teachers and students. Luckily, GeoGebra has made some great tutorials, and there's an extensive forum of questions and detailed definitions for each function.
However, make sure to familiarize yourself with the extensive tutorials ahead of time in order to become an expert with the program and its capabilities before attempting to implement it in the classroom. It helps students to make connections between different areas of math and how they relate to one another. The tools also allow students to manipulate math concepts in one format and see them in another (such as how a 3D shape sits on a 2D plane, or how the algebraic function of a plane and a sphere changes as we change points on either - or both). Teachers can use GeoGebra to help make math more meaningful and visual for students. Teachers can quickly build digital worksheets that include simulations already created on GeoGebra.